WinSmith's Diary/rant on Friday, asks
To quote the great Bluto Blutarski, what the fuck happened to the Daily Kos I used to know? Where's the guts, you pansies? Where's the spirit?...(snip)...But the amount of whiny diaries because the apparently superhuman Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi can't transform a broken Washington media establishment that lies and covers for a systemic broken republican party is like complaining that your doctor can't cure your cancer inside of three weeks...(snip)...But to quit the democratic party because they don't move fast enough? To see all the posts about how people aren't giving any more money to democrats? Or going to not vote in 2008?
Is WinSmith right? Are we just a bunch of whiney liberals? Are we now a part of the problem? I wanted a poll to find out, but I needed more content, so...