Beach Impeach III
Hi all!Well, I thought this would have been diaried here already. Beach Impeach III was a rousing success. Just shows you what can be done with a little creativity and about a thousand of your closest...
View ArticleAre we "whiney liberals"?(with poll)
WinSmith's Diary/rant on Friday, asks To quote the great Bluto Blutarski, what the fuck happened to the Daily Kos I used to know? Where's the guts, you pansies? Where's the spirit?...(snip)...But the...
View ArticleHow to get results for $10 at a time
Do you contribute to political campaigns? Not the "umbrella" groups like the DNC, DCCC, DSCC, etc. but to a specific candidates. If you never have and never will, this diary is not for you. Everybody...
View ArticleSF Peace March
Hi! This is just a few quick pick pictures orf the SF chapter(?) of the peace rallys that happened nation-wide today. Just a few pictures and impressions, starting with...
View ArticleThe way we were...(with poll and a little rant...)
Just for fun, don't follow the links, yet. Time Magazine had a cover story that asked "Is the U.S. Going Broke?" The anti-war movement was gaining strength in the United States. And Republicans didn't...
View ArticleIf not Cindy Sheehan, who? UPDATED
On Friday's front page, kos pointed out that We don't have much power. In fact, we have very little.As we've learned this year, Democrats in DC are more afraid of David Broder, Joe Klein, and Mr. 24%,...
View ArticleHelp Wanted: Candidate CA-08
There is an opening for someone to run for Representative to the US House in 2008, for the 8th congressional district of the State of California. The district covers most of the City and County of San...
View ArticlePelosi's free ride
Nancy Pelosi, at this point in time will be re-elected in 2008 without significant opposition. She has no primary challenger, the Republican candidate in 2006 did not break 11%....
View ArticleYour candidate's tags suck...
Hi there!I don't want to get anyone upset, and, yes, I'm a fascist, controlling, creativity-stifling SOB, (and sadistic, too, if anyone needs an unconventional dating experience...) but I'd like to ask...
View ArticleThere isn't an Iraq army YET?
Disclaimer: I have never been in the military. I would be a really bad candidate for military service. I could not hit the broad-side of a barn with a shotgun if I was inside the barn at the time. No...
View ArticleLoosen up while you wait, Jokes v 1.1, updated
Earlier today, Asinus Asinum Fricat posted a cheap joke diary, just to occupy us for a little while. This, IMHO, is a good idea. I was going to diary about how I'd voted for Edwards yesterday, but this...
View ArticleIsrael survives Tuesday without egg rolls
No kidding. Super Tuesday, I posted a joke diary that started with: A Jewish man and a Chinese man were conversing. The Jewish man commented upon what a wise people the Chinese are. "Yes," replied...
View Article(CA-08) No, there is another...
For months now, I've been looking at the CA-08's Nancy Pelosi as having a free ride. She was totally unassailable in her sinecure as elected Rep. of the CA-08, and subsequently, Speaker of the House....
View ArticleHey! If you can speak "Southern" you can help/Updated
The WaPo had an article about how The stakes in the (MS-)1st District special election couldn't be higher, strategically or symbolically. The loss of a traditionally GOP seat to a Democrat would be the...
View Article2008 elections, President, Barack Obama
(ahem) The title of this diary consists of the correct tags for diaries discussing Obama's upcoming win in November. Believe it or not, there are other Obama's in the world, besides Barack. If you tag...
View ArticleOkay, now I'll send Hillary $, like I buy organic carrots.
I just watched Bill's address to the Democratic National Convention. Yeah, there were things I didn't like, but overall, he did what he needed to do. I don't doubt he didn't like some of what he did,...
View ArticleUmm...Live blog the Elephants?
Yes., this is not a blog, but the C-Span feed is happening,and the Rethugs have actually found a Black guy that spouts their lies. Link here. It's kind of weird, like Bizzaro world.Shouldnt there be a...
View ArticleMy real estate bailout proposal (pooties in poll)
So, real estate loans have been turned into marketable securities, and some of thes securities aren't so good.Well color me surprised. I know someone who literally was refinanced over the phone. No one...
View ArticleWill GOTV for food. No, really!
With November 4th rapidly approaching, I have a request to make to the community. Feed your local GOTV ground crew!Friday the 31st (Halloween) starts a long, long slog through Tuesday night. Everything...
View ArticleWill GOTV for food. (rerun because this is important!)
Yes, this is a re-post. It was originally posted at about 10:24PM EST Tuesday, so, of course, it had a limited audience, I'm probably breaking a rule or two, and If I'm going to be banned, so be it....
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